Water Billing Information

Water Billing Information

Water Rates

The Village of Alsip residents and businesses can best be provided water services by a self-sustaining water enterprise that is adequately financed with rates and charges based on sound accounting, engineering, financial, and economic principles. Revenues from water and sewer rates and user fees are designed to enable the water department to provide for the full cost of service including:

  • Annual operation and maintenance expenses
  • Capital costs (e.g., debt service for capital improvements)
  • Adequate working capital and required reserves

To ensure the coverage of operating expenses, planned capital improvements and to maintain necessary fund reserves going forward, the Village of Alsip water rates have been increased as follows:

Current Rates per 1000 Gallons

Effective June 1, 2022 – Ordinance 2022-04-9

Service Rate
0 – 999,999 gallons of water $9.15
1,000,000 -6,999,999 gallons of water $8.68
7,000,000-11,999,999 gallons of water $8.20
12,000,000 gallons of water and over $7.14
Residential -Senior Citizen discount $8.24
Sewer $0.75
Sewer user fee (per unit/per month) $1.00
Garbage (per month) $21.66

Water Billing


Customer Billing cycle Minimum bill
Residential Bi-monthly $45.76
Apartments Monthly $22.88 per unit
Industrial Monthly $22.88
Industrial multi-tenant Monthly $22.88 per unit
Commercial and light industrial Every four months $91.52
Commercial multi-tenant Every four months $91.52 per unit

How to Pay Your Bill

Water and sewer bills can be paid:

  • by mail
  • Directly at the clerk’s office located within the Village Hall.
  • Night deposit box located at the Village Hall in the Police Department foyer.
  • online with Click2Gov


Billing Cycle Timeline

Day Condition
Day 1 Billing Date – Bill is mailed
Day 21 Current amount is due
Day 29 Penalty applied
Day 30 Delinquent notice mailed
Day 60 Hearing notice mailed
Day 67* Hearing date
Day 72* Termination notice posted
Day 73* Termination of service

*These are approximations and will vary depending on the hearing date, which is set as the first Monday after the hearing notice is mailed.

Senior Citizen Water Rate Discount

The Senior Citizen Water Rate Discount is available to eligible seniors aged 62 or over, residing in a single-family home/townhome with its own, separate water account in applicant’s name.

Required documents

  • Show proof of age – Any one of the following showing date of birth:
    • State ID/Driver’s License
    • Federal ID
    • passport, birth certificate
    • matricula consular
  • Show proof of residency – Any one of the following in applicant’s name:
    • Property deed or contract
    • Property tax bill
    • Lease agreement

How to Apply

If you wish to apply, please submit a Senior Citizen Water Rate Discount Application and show proof of age and residency to water department clerical staff at the Village Hall. The Senior Citizen Water Rate Discount Application is available here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about billing or about late water payments, please contact the Water Department at (708) 385-6902 extension 2324 or 2327. If your call is placed after normal business hours, please leave a message and we will respond as soon as possible.